~Lynden House Candle Making Instructions Melt & Pour Soap Recipes, Cold Process Soap (From Scratch) Recipes and Other Toiletries Instructions/Recipes. ~Candle Instructions Listing of candle making instructions, many are illustrated. ~Color Crazy A riot of colors and shapes makes this candle group shine. ~Felines With 'Flare' Pair of cute kittie candles. ~Candle Teacher Provides instructions on making gel and wax candles, selling candles, and purchasing candlemaking supplies. ~DecoArt Project Library Over 20 candle projects. ~Container Candle ~Coffee Bean Candle ~Snowglobe Gel Candle ~Candle project ideas from Micheals.com ~How to Make Beeswax Candles from Honeycomb Sheets
~Free Recipes/Instructions Melt & Pour, Soap Noodles, From Scratch, Rebatching, also shampoo, bath salts and creams/lotions. ~Homemade Soap Comprehensive details and instructions about making your own soap, including lots of links. ~Cranberry Lane Soap Making Instructions ~Instructions for Herbal Soaps ~Soap project ideas from Micheals.com
~Candle and Soap Projects from Crafters Community ~AllCrafts Links to candle and soap making projects.