Please E-mail me if you would like your Craft Directory to appear here or if you know of a great one being ofered.
~Craft Site Directory Your guide to arts and crafts on the internet. ~All Crafts Directory of links to free craft patterns and projects. Kits and books.
~Craft Finder Find free patterns, newsletters, resorces on selling your crafts and where to buy crafts.
~American Craft Directory An online directory of traditional and contemporary craft artisans and folk artists, a calendar of events, supplies, patterns, projects and craft information and more. ~Craftersnet.com Arts and Crafts Search Engine, helping artisans, hobbyists and professionals, locate businesses, suppliers, and exhibitors.
~Craftown Free craft patterns, projects and lessons are available here. Links, craft mall, forum, resources and more. ~Rubber Stamping Links Categorized listing for angel companies, convention information, stamping techniques, scrapbooking sites, galleries, accessories, and more. ~Jana's Craft Connection Projects for Crafty Folks, Projects for the Kids, Projects for Preschoolers, Jana's Hints and Helps, Crafty Kits and Products, Crafty Classifieds, Crafty Links for Crafty Folks ~Craft Solutions Directory of links to sites for ideas, projects, supplies, and more. ~Crafts Fair Online Bulletin Boards, Craft Business Resources, Free Newsletter, Add Your Site, FunCrafts, Wearable Craft, Collectables, Group Shows, Craft Supplies, Craft Patterns, Publications, Software, Show Guides, Ideas & Instruction, Events & Shows, and more. ~Crafty Links! Bulletin Boards, links to shops, free projects, malls, add your link and more.
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